Aggressive Inline “Aggressive Start“




Aggressive rollers, another name for the trend – blading and aggressive inline – are popular all over the world. The most spectacular tricks and fashionable guys and girls conquering skateparks are aggressive skaters.

The Aggressive Start course is designed for adults with confident riding skills. The course program provides training for people first time getting on aggressive rollerskates, as well as continuing personal development in roller-sport. The course will immerse you in the world of aggressive rollers, give a solid foundation for further self-development.

For any aggressive-inline course you will need special rollers for aggressive skating or rollers with a hard shoe.

Course Program
– 180 degree back jumps in a straight line and 180 degree back jumps in a forward motion
– Basic tricks: fake-fake, zerospin and many others.
– Basic slides: soul, mizou, aicid, pornstar, makio, fs UFo and bs Ufo
– Salt tricks without twists
– Physical workouts and underpinning exercises
– Working with figures in the park and urban terrain